Monday, April 7, 2008

Too wet to mow

Hello Friends:
The grass is coming through the ground so hard and fast you can almost hear it crackling through. It’s a bright green and looking good to, for now that is..! The weatherman is telling me that we have more rain on the way, and that it’s been raining on the average of every 3 days. That doesn’t give the yard time enough to dry up enough to mow! Looks like I will have to order a pair of pontoons for my lawnmower!!! It just gets to where I can walk across the yard without getting my shoes all muddy, it rains again. There’s one consolation, the Lord knows what He’s doing… That’s for sure…! Anyway, I’ve been having trouble with the breaks on the riding mower, so I went out this morning and took the whole thing apart and found the problem. I remover the break assembly and found that one of the little pushrods that pushed on the break pad was froze in place. I took my hammer and finally got it out and greased it up good, now my breaks are as good as when I bought it. I put the mower deck in the tool; shad to keep it from rusting during the winter so I pulled it out and got it all hooked up too. But it’s still too wet to mow…!! At this rate, I’ll have to hire a bush hog to mow my yard when it dries up..!!
Have a great day……….. JD


Tracy said...

Laughs i know the feeling, it has been raining lots here also. I do however enjoy when the days are nice and sunny, which seem to be like you have said, every few days before the next storm.


Renie Burghardt said...

Hi J.D.

We have had the same problem in my neck of the woods. The grass is growing by leaps and bounds, and
still more rain, to make it grow
even more! Tomorrow, we're to have torrents of the stuff, along with severe storms, so I'm a bit scared! But I must say, the grasses are a beautiful green from all the moisture.

Best wishes,


Mike Golch said...

Or how about getting an old fashion cycle oh a long handle to do your lawn.

Hope said...

Just stoppin' by to say howdy to you. We've had a lot of rain this spring too but we have welcomed it after the drought last summer. Our grass was like hay in places when Dave mowed and it's already needing mowing again!

I hope all is well on the mountain!


Lou said...

hi jd, it's getting warm here in MA. it's about time.

Take care!
