Thursday, February 21, 2008


Well folks
There you have it....!

The answer to the,


Cindy said...

.. my last boss, when he was asked a question, instead of saying just plain "yes" used to say "does a bear ....". I so wish I could send him this photo you've posted! Cindy

Hope said...

Hi JD,
I came over from your wife's blog to say hello and the first thing I see is this bear picture! I love your sense of humor already! I'm enjoying all your pictures and getting a new perspective on blogging from a man's point of view!

Keep up the good work,

Cindy said...

Thank you JD, I've taken a copy of the bear powdering his nose :-) Kind of you to ask. This certainly does bring to mind the song "if you go down to the woods today you're in for a big surprise .....!" :-) Thank you for what you said about my garden pix ... I am very busy in the garden in the spring, so am always pleased with a helping hand - therefore any time you want to bring your gardening fork round - please feel free :-)

Mike Golch said...

now we all know the answer to that age old question. I think that a little more info than I needed(wink,wink)