Sunday, February 3, 2008

Dirt Roads

A friend sent this to me and I thought some of you might relate to it as well.
Dirt Roads
What's mainly wrong with society today is that too many Dirt Roads have been paved. There's not a problem in America today, crime, drugs, education, divorce, delinquency that wouldn't be remedied, if we just had more Dirt Roads, because Dirt Roads give character. People that live at the end of Dirt Roads learn early on that life is a bumpy ride.
That it can jar you right down to your teeth sometimes, but it's worth it, if at the end is home...a loving spouse, happy kids and a dog. We wouldn't have near the trouble with our educational system if our kids got their exercise walking a Dirt Road with other kids, from whom they learn how to get along.

Criminals didn't walk two dusty miles to rob or rape, if they knew they'd be welcomed by 5 barking dogs and a double barrel shotgun. And there were no drive by shootings. Our values were better when our roads were worse! People did not worship their cars more than their kids, and motorists were more courteous, they didn't tailgate by riding the bumper or the guy in front would choke you with dust & bust your windshield with rocks. Dirt Roads taught patience.

Dirt Roads were environmentally friendly, you didn't hop in your car for a quart of milk you walked to the barn for your milk. For your mail, you walked to the mail box. What if it rained and the Dirt Road got washed out? That was the best part, then you stayed home and had some family time, roasted marshmallows and popped popcorn and pony rode on Daddy's shoulders and learned how to make prettier quilts than anybody. At the end of Dirt Roads, you soon learned that bad words tasted like soap.

Most paved roads lead to trouble, Dirt Roads more likely lead to a fishing creek or a swimming hole. At the end of a Dirt Road, the only time we even locked our car was in August, because if we didn't some neighbor would fill it with too much zucchini. At the end of a Dirt Road, there was always extra springtime income, from when city dudes would get stuck, you'd have to hitch up a team and pull them out.
Usually you got a dollar...always you got a new the end of a Dirt Road!
A lot can be said for a, 'Dirt Road'
Auther= Paul Harvy


Anonymous said...

If this isn't the truth not much is. I am thinking that we all need to get a pick and a shovel and take up the paved roads leading to our homes and go with a Dirt Road.


Cindy said...

JD - thank you for your nice comment on my photos. It is wonderful to think that there you are across the pond in Southern Ohio posting a note on my blog! It really IS a small world isn't it. I've enjoyed my tour around your blog - and thank you so much for linking me. I'll do the same. I'll keep popping back to find out the latest news from Ohio :-). Keep in touch! Cindy

Anonymous said...

Hi JD, I discovered you from your nice comment that you put in my daughter's blog (Allis in your links). Actually, it was interesting to look around in your blog. We are living in Turkey which is almost at the other side of the globe, but the things we are trying to do are quite similar to what you did. I'm still working for a multi billions international company as a quite busy manager, but at the same time, we are trying to prepare a big escape from any kind of modern city life as well as from it's all headaches. We are trying to write everything about this escape (in Turkish unfortunately) but you can take a look into some pictures at least. We do have a dirt road either at the moment (not two miles but a couple of hundred feet).
I'll try to check your blog time to time. I appreciate for any tricks of country life from your experiences.
I do wish happy writing and healthy life to both of you.

Gilly said...

You are absolutely right JD... plus dirt slows people down. We are turning this world into Joni Mitchell's old song 'A concrete jungle'.... we never learn.. well some of us do!

Thanks for your comments on my blog...great about your wee hummingbirds -we don't have them here unfortunately. I do love our feathered friends!

Sage said...

Cindy from Cindy's Snaps recommended your blog, JD. and I love it. I, too, live on a dirt road, but I am ashamed to say that we have way to many people that use it as if it were paved. My husband and I moved to our dirt road in the New Mexico desert to get away from the city but now the city seems to be closing in on us anyway. You have great photos, and I love the way you think. I have a blog about our place at if you would care to take a gander.

Dream Finder said...

Absolutely true.

We recently moved a house trailer down a dirt road in the rain. It was the worst of times yet it was the best of times.

It was memories we'll have for a lifetime.

I grew up on a dirt road. Life was simpler then. The road is now paved and the kids have to be watched more because the cars now fly by.

I can remember being young and just having gotten my drivers license and we used to travel those dirt roads looking for aluminum cans.

The good life does come from a dirt road.

Dream Finder

alis said...

This was such a pleasure to read, and one can't disagree with what it's saying. Your blog gave me a sweet escape today from the ticking clock and approaching deadlines. "stayed home and had some family time, roasted marshmallows and popped popcorn and pony rode on Daddy's shoulders and learned how to make prettier quilts than anybody" - I loved this part, as I was just feeling a bit homesick, longing for a night of roasting chestnuts by the fireplace with my parents. Also, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such kind comments, thank you! You have a beautiful lifestyle, I'm glad you are taking the time to share it with us.
