Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Another Pet Peeve

Re-stocking fees!!

Re-stocking fees? Whatever happened to Customer Relations?? How much trouble is it to put it back on the hanger, or slide it back on the shelf? Normally, it’s being returned so the customer can buy something that fits, or that they like! Just what would they be doing if you didn’t have anything being returned, drinking coffee? I wouldn’t mind it so much if the employee was getting that, “Re-stocking fee! It seems that businesses just keep thinking of ways to dig around in your pockets and root out every coin you have! The only thing I can say is to ask what their return policy is before you pay for it and if they tell you that there will be a re-stocking fee if returned, do like I’ve done in the past, just drop it on the counter and tell them to go ahead and re-stock it now for free. If enough people would do that, I think the re-stocking fee would fade away….…
This is just one man’s opinion
What do you think….?

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